THE attack on PC Gary Thompson is a reminder of how difficult and dangerous police work can be.

He was stabbed in the back early yesterday while investigating reports that three men were trying to break into a flat at Whiterock Place in Southwick.

PC Thompson and his colleague, PC John Gatland, showed considerable courage in tackling the men, one of whom was armed with a large kitchen knife.

Luckily it appears that PC Thompson's injuries, while extremely serious, are not life-threatening.

But his colleagues will do all they can to find three violent and dangerous men who tried to kill him.

The spotlight has been on Sussex Police this week with the resignation of Chief Constable Paul Whitehouse. This follows the case of police who shot dead a naked and unarmed man after receiving intelli-gence which suggested he was dangerous.

That was a terrible mistake with far-reaching consequences for the force which rightly made national headlines because it was so unusual.

Sadly, what happened to PC Thompson is a regular occurrence as violent crime increases and many villains are armed.

Most people in Sussex will be thankful there are good officers like these two and will hope their bravery will be recognised.