For a couple that dislikes Southern Counties Radio, Adam and Laine Richards (Opinion, May 3) seem remarkably clued up on the station's programmes.

Why is this? Is radio listening a bizarre masochistic ritual in the Richards household? They say David Miller's programme is embarrassing in its amateurishness but I look forward to listening to this man with his encyclopedic knowledge of music past and present.

As for the comment about "wannabee actors", isn't everybody? In the words of Shakespeare, "All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players."

Richard Florey, Norfolk Terrace, Brighton

Too far

Surely the criticism of JoAnne Goode has gone far enough, especially when such heavy-handed sarcasm has to be resorted to.

I find JoAnne cheerful and bright all through her programme - a bit predictable and repetitive maybe but she does have three hours to kill. She takes in the local scene and includes interesting local people, which is what local radio is all about. I also enjoy her Saturday programme, which is an excellent mix.

-J Livings, Sandgate Road, Brighton