You would probably have been better looking out of your window to discover the weather than reading Monday's Argus.

As Pat House, of Brighton, points out: "I had to look twice. I saw rain for 'today' and the outlook for the next three days referred to 'tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday'. Who is your weatherman and what planet does he live on?"

You will have gathered by now that in fact we forgot to update the page two weather panel from the Weekend Argus.

Pat is kind enough to conclude: "I must admit it makes a nice change to giggle and smile over something in the newspaper these days. Ask him or her to get it write (sic) tomorrow, please, as I and my fellow workers would like to know what to wear - snorkel and flippers or our newly-acquired Spring clothes."

Sorry to all of you and, Pat, you spell that "right" by the way. Mistakes, we all make 'em . . .

A picture report on the same day about the St George's Day Parade on Brighton seafront mentioned The Scout Association's groups but failed to credit the many rainbows, brownies and guides who also took part.

A number of readers pointed this out, including Peggy Pierce, public relations adviser to Brighton West Division of the Guide Association, and Katy Dartnell, assistant guider at 5th Patcham Brownies, who says the Scout and Guide Associations work closely together. They strive to enrich young people's lives and surely the local newspaper (an "excellent medium" for publicising such work) should reflect this.

Sisters Joanne (11), Zoe (ten) and Sally McLafferty (seven), who all took part in the parade, were equally disappointed to see theirs and their fellow females' efforts go unrecognised. Likewise eight-year-old Poppy Richards, who sent me a lovely note via her mum.

My humblest apologies to you all, ladies.

Our story on Friday, March 23 about a by-election being called following the tragic death of Brighton and Hove councillor Steve Langston could have given the impression that Electoral Registration Officer Chris Fossey had been insensitive.

In fact, as the story later made clear, he followed the law exactly after notice of the vacancy was given in writing by two independent electors.

We are sorry to Mr Fossey for any embarrassment caused.

In the Sussex Visitors Guide, published free with The Argus on Tuesday, April 10, there were a couple of accidental errors tucked among the huge amount of listings information published.

Hannah Thompson, of The Charleston Trust, says its former Bloomsbury Group home and gardens at Charleston, Firle, will not re-open until May 2 (full details, tel 01323 811265) and Mr Upton, of Eastbourne Museum of Shops, says it does not have free admission (tel 01323 737143 between 1pm and 4.30pm).

Watch out for the May edition of the guide free with your Argus.

And finally, sorry to Opinion page regular Graham Chainey, of Marine Parade, Brighton, whose letter published on April 9 could have given the impression he likes the mock sails at the Aquarium Terraces near his home.

In fact, he tells me, his view is that they are "tacky" and "wretched" in quality. A bit like our editing of his letter, obviously.