Whoever said 40 is the old age of youth and 50 the youth of old age, appears to know what they're talking about.

You feel too old to be considered young and too young to be considered old. With a foot in both camps, no wonder this transition period is negatively referred to as the mid-life crisis.

Unfortunately, this changeover period can affect relationships, sometimes in an adverse way.

At a dinner party, Pauline was upset to hear her husband Martin had made a pass at her best friend.

Feeling shocked and embarrassed, they drove home. Pauline left the house early the next day and Martin wrote her a letter.

He spilled out his feelings of fear at the thought of losing her. He realised his behaviour had deeply hurt her.

With his dread of growing old, he had lost sight of the importance of their love for one another.

I don't believe in growing old gracefully but denial of the inevitable is such a waste of valuable energy.