The former vicar of Brighton has hit the headlines after claiming that God hates hunting.

The Right Rev Dominic Walker, now Anglican Bishop of Reading, also criticised the Church of England for not doing more to oppose the sport.

The Bishop, 52, is chairman of the Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals.

He voiced his concerns in the League Against Cruel Sports' quarterly journal.

He said hunting with dogs "cannot be pleasing to God" and added: "God has given us dominion, not domination, over creation and therefore a duty of stewardship and love."

The Bishop was vicar of Brighton from 1985 to 1997 and earned praise in the city for his work to help the homeless and disadvantaged.

He was one of a select group of churchmen allowed to perform exorcisms and he has given advice and help to dozens of people affected by the occult.

The former lorry driver and factory worker is responsible for about 200 clergy and churches in Berkshire.