Most staff are taken on these days with a three-month probationary period included in their contract.

At the end of this time they receive an appraisal, at which point the employer decides whether to offer them a permanent position.

When interviewing prospective employees it is sometimes difficult to evaluate their potential. They may have a very impressive CV and good references but can you be sure they are the right person for the job? Until they are set to work they really are an unknown quantity.

Even after you have been together for a few years, a yearly appraisal could be an excellent way to understand where you both are with the relationship.

There may be some areas, roles, within your relationship that you would like to review. Have standards started to slide or do you feel that yours is an equal partnership?

Not only is it a time to raise points about what could be improved on, it is also an opportunity to heap praise upon each other.