Why are Travellers above the law? What hold do they have over Brighton and Hove City Council and the police?

The disgusting travellers' camps in Ditchling Road and Coldean Lane have been there since November. Buses, coaches, tipper trucks - nearly all untaxed and unroadworthy - horses and dogs.

Travellers are all over Brighton and Hove. They are moved only when the Labour Party conference is on or royalty is due to visit.

Why are they allowed to pull down gates to picnic areas and drive across flower beds and sports pitches and seemingly do whatever they want?

The council was elected by the people of Brighton and Hove to look after the people, the ratepayers and the services to them.

It is high time it cleaned up this new city. Give us back our parks and picnic areas. Work with the police, not against them. Show us you have Brighton and Hove ratepayers in mind.

If you can't do the job you were elected to, go now.

-John Squires, Hyth Road, Brighton