Like the famous woman who once wore it, the bright pink silk tafetta dress has star quality.

Next weekend, crowds at a craft event in Brighton are expected to queue up to get a glimpse of the gown worn by Madonna in the Hollywood blockbuster Evita.

It is one of seven female period costumes from films that will be on display at the Creative Stitches and Hobbycrafts exhibition in the Brighton Centre.

David Bennett, who is in charge of the three-day event, said: "It is a stunning dress that really does stand out despite it not being as intricately made as some of the others.

"It demands attention because it is satin and very bright."

Other garments on display include a dress worn by Vanessa Redgrave in the film Mrs Dalloway and a costume worn by Julie Christie in her part as Queen Gertrude in Hamlet.

The costumes, hired from a specialist company, betray some of the vital statistics of Hollywood stars. An outfit made for Elizabeth Taylor proved she still had a trim figure 12 years ago and models could not even fit into Nicole Kidman's corsetted costume made for the 1996 film The Portrait Of A Lady.

David said: "It is absolutely tiny. You could almost fit your hands around the waist. It is obvious she is very tall and very thin."

The costumes are the centrepiece of the event, which is being staged for the ninth year. It will feature more than 100 exhibitors, including beadworkers, silk painters, rag ruggers and embroiderers.

The exhibition is open from February 2 to 4, from 9.30am to 5.30pm and 5pm on Sunday. Tickets cost £5.20 on the door. For more information, call 01425 272711.