I see that all the poor folk who had the misfortune to be flooded out and lost beloved possessions are not going to get help from this Labour Government.

Isn't it strange that when Bangladesh and other Third World countries get flooded the Government leaps to their aid by giving millions of taxpayers money, but the poor people of England get nothing. It is an utter disgrace.

How would Blair, Brown etc like their homes to be ruined with filthy flood water?

It's the same with the pensioners. Ask for a decent rise in benefits and you get told to manage, but if you are an asylum- seeker coming here, you immediately get a fistful of dollars.

Why, oh why does New Labour hate the real English population?

Vote for Blair and Co? Not on your life!

The only people they care about are themselves. They are all talk and no substance.

-Mrs E Ridgeway, Woodingdean, Brighton