There wasn't much romance on Michael and Fleur Burnage's wedding night - they spent it with Bob the Builder instead.

Michael decorated his front garden in Malines Avenue, Peacehaven, with a display featuring a 4ft plywood model of the children's TV character.

It was a big hit with local children, so he and Fleur were devastated when thieves spirited Bob away.

Michael decided he had to replace him - even if it was his wedding day.

Not only that, but the couple have even put off their honeymoon to mount a 24-hour watch on the replacement.

The illuminated garden display has become a local talking point and has even been featured on national TV.

Donations from the visiting public are going to the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Sick Children and the Argus Appeal.

Already, they have topped the £1,400 raised from a similar display last year.

The thieves who stole Bob ignored Postman Pat, Thomas the Tank Engine, Winnie the Pooh, Snow White and Santa.

Michael had no immediate plans to replace Bob but so many children came to the house, demanding to know what had happened to the model, that he changed his mind.

It was completed just after his wedding to beauty therapist Fleur, 28, and proudly put on display.

Michael said: "Very few people can say they spent their wedding morning and wedding night building and painting a large model of Bob the Builder, but that's exactly what I did.

"I could not find the plans of my original model so I had to buy a children's comic to get it right.

"We had planned to go on our honeymoon and leave my brother and father in charge.

"But they have other responsibilities and could not have kept up a 24-hour security watch on Bob. With four of us, we can have a 24-hour watch.

"We had planned to go away for a last-minute bargain break but the theft meant we had to postpone our honeymoon plans until after January 6."

Fleur said: "The children were devastated when Bob disappeared. He was easily the star of the display.

"The kids are more important than the timing of our honeymoon. We will go somewhere once Christmas is over and our display has been stored away safely."