The phenomenon that was the Big Brother TV show proved once and for all that you didn't need charm, intelligence, charisma or even much of a personality to become famous.

As a result of the Channel 4 series, numerous spin-offs have been foisted upon us.

This is possibly the lamest tie-in yet. Marjorie the chicken was the star fowl who also appeared in the show.

Here Scarlet Software have used the chicken as the pretext for a game.

Using a crosshair, players shoot down an assortment of objects, UFOs, submarines and, of course, chickens.

And that's it. The graphics are passable, the sound effects functional but nothing can disguise the fact this is a game, which even at budget-price, is pretty dreadful.

A lame duck.

Price: £9.99
Feelgood factor: 3 out of 10.

Contact: 020 7794 2302