I would like to clarify the impression given by Mike Stimpson in his recent letter (Opinion, November 13).

There is nothing new in the use of planning powers to help ensure an appropriate balance of housing for all our residents in need of a home. There is a particular need among local people who cannot compete for a home in a high cost market. Because of this, we have to strike a careful balance between enabling regeneration and providing enough affordable housing.

It is important to remember that housing speculators are not the only business interests in this debate.

Many local businesses are increasingly concerned that there are enough affordable homes for their workforces, if this can be achieved the local economy will ultimately benefit.

In the last 12 months, more than 70 families have been able to move into low cost housing initiatives with our support. We will continue to provide a range of housing options for local people that meet the needs of all in the community.

-Tehmtan Framroze, Executive Councillor Housing Services, Brighton and Hove Council