A scheme which could bring 125 jobs to Brighton has taken a major step forward.

Nielson, which is involved in booking and chartering marine holidays, plans to move into the upper floors of a new building on the boathouse site at Brighton Marina.

Councillors have now approved Nielson's planning application in principle.

Labour councillor Heather James welcomed the jobs but said: "It does create a precedent for the Marina to become a centre for any new firm."

There were many objections to the scheme, both from boat users and neighbours.

Tory councillor Carol Theobald said the marina was in danger of losing its original purpose She told Brighton and Hove's planning committee: "It should be used for boats rather than for a holiday company with little to do with sailing "There are plenty of other offices in town where this company could go."

One condition of the planning permission is that the existing boat shed should not be demolished until a temporary shelter is built at the marina.

There will also have to be a legal agreement to secure a green transport plan under so that as many people as possible will arrive by means other than cars.