For the ultimate in affordable, state-of-the-art kit you have to try a set of the latest flat panel speakers from Trust.

They are really small and neat, won't take up much desk space and best of all, at less than 50 quid, they will not break the bank!

I enthuse about Trust Soundwave 1000 3D Flat Panel speakers because I have tried a lot of other, far more expensive, offerings and know they are often little more than a blatant rip-off.

The Trust speakers, on the other hand, are inexpensive, reasonable quality and completely without pretension.

All in all my favourite sort of product!

Make no mistake, these tiny speakers are small and very flat. You can even hang them on the wall to save space. They offer reasonable reproduction and come with a substantial bass speaker, which woofs away in the background and makes all the difference to the sound quality of any music.

Design wise, they are unlikely to win many awards. Functionality first and elegance much later. This makes them sound ugly but that is not true either. Just functional.

Frankly, if you want designer looks expect to pay through the nose.

Price: £49.99
Contact 0800 328 0261
Feel Good Factor: 8 out of 10