The daughter of horror writer James Herbert has won a prize for gaining the best GCSE results in 290 independent schools.

Casey Herbert, 16, has been awarded the Whitbread Prize after achieving 13 As including 11A* passes.

Mum Eileen said: "We are absolutely delighted and extremely proud of her. She worked hard and deserves the prize."

Casey, who is now studying for her A-levels at Brighton College, sat the exams at The Towers, in Upper Beeding.

It is the first time in almost a decade the school has received the Whitbread Prize, which is awarded by the Independent Schools Association.

Head teacher Sister Mary Andrew said: "We are particularly pleased because Casey spent all her school life here. She is a real Towers girl."

Casey, who lives with her parents near Henfield, said she had ruled out becoming a writer because her father works so hard.

She will receive a £25 book token from the ISA.