A war veteran is searching for the family who gave him a home before one of the most famous battles in history.

The Normandy landings of 1944 were the beginning of the end for Hitler but claimed thousands of Allied lives.

One of the survivors was Arthur Willingham, a sergeant in the Sixth Commando regiment, based in Hove.

Mr Willingham, now 81 and living in Newton Abbot, Devon, has not returned to Sussex since leaving for the crossing to France.

He is now anxious to rekindle memories of his wartime experiences and his time in Hove.

He said: "We were all based with families in Hove for about two years. We used have exercises on the Downs before we were eventually sent into action.

"I was staying with a family in Suffolk Street. The couple's names were Jack and Ada Price and they were very good to me.

"Of course it could be that at least one of them is dead now but I remember they had a six-year-old son at the time who would be 60 now, so I might be able to find him."

Mr Willingham was one of many who left the beaches of Normandy injured.

He said: "It is hard for me to remember those times. It's very upsetting but I feel I must make an effort to say thank you to the Price family."

Anyone who knows where the Prices are now is asked to contact Mr Willingham on 01626 363082.