Quick-thinking villagers managed to foil burglars who were making off with an outboard motor stolen from a garage.

Thieves were just transferring the motor from the garage to their car at 7.40pm on Tuesday when people at Alfriston saw what was happening and intervened.

They challenged the men and stopped them from loading it into the boot of their red Ford Orion, registration number F23 HKP.

The men ran off towards the centre of the village, but later returned to their car and drove off at speed.

One man was described as 5ft 10in tall with short cropped hair, in his late teens or early 20s and wearing a black polo shirt and blue Adidas shorts.

The second was shorter, also with short cropped hair and wearing a white shirt and black running shorts.

If you can help, contact Sgt Barrow at Lewes Police Station on 0800 6070999.