Labour MP David Lepper will be tussling with the Tories over the Government's new Countryside and Rights of Way Bill.

The Brighton Pavilion MP has been put on the

committee examining the controversial Bill, which will be opposed in part by the


Mr Lepper said: "There will be a number of battles with the Tories over this. They are bitterly opposed to extension of access and will say this can be achieved by voluntary agreements.

"The Countryside Landowners' Association, with its Access 2000 campaign, made a good effort to persuade members to enter into voluntary agreements. But the response was poor. In East and West Sussex, minimum amounts of land were made available and often with heavy restrictions."

Mr Lepper said all sorts of safeguards for landowners would be included in the Bill. There would be no unrestricted access to walkers through growing crops or through people's gardens, as has been suggested by the Bill's opponents.

Mr Lepper has campaigned on countryside issues since he was elected almost three years ago.

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