Andrew Ducille fired Langney Sports 12 points clear in Divison 1 last night.

His 15th-minute, 25-yard volley earned Sports a 1-0 home win over bottom side Ringmer who belied their position with a spirited performance.

Garry Wilson's men attacked from the off and only Lee Buchanan on the line denied Ducille a goal. But shortly after, Ducille scored what proved to be the winner, and the home side should have gone two ahead when Jason Reed was hacked down by Andy Colman in the area.

Darren Pearce's penalty, however, was well saved by Phil Lewis.

Ringmer's chances were few and far between while Langney had chance after chance.

Reed, Matt Allen and Andy Agutter all should have scored but in the end man-of-the-match Ducille's goal proved enough. Two early goals in less than a minute by Roy Pook set up Burgess Hill's 4-1 home win against Three Bridges.

A great block tackle by Dave Stevens put in Pook for a well-taken opener in the 12th minute and immediately he made it 2-0 when Tony Holden's shot was blocked by a defender.

Bridges were starting to get into it by half-tim, but a goal five minutes after the break should have ended their challenge. Daren Newman's header had too much power for keeper Darren Lambert after Paul Williams whipped in a free-kick.

Paul Green pulled one back from a corner after 72 minutes but Stevens headed his first senior goal four minutes from time to finally seal victory.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.