There are still times when size can be just about everything. Just ask the youngsters who did battle for Sussex on Sunday.

The county's under-20s were beaten 43-7 by a big Middlesex outfit in their County Championship opener at Chichester.

There was no lack of spirit and courage from the home county, and they produced glimpses of attractive rugby in the second half.

But the contest was already over by then as the visitors, drawn from the likes of Wasps, London Irish, London Welsh and Richmond, put their strength and organisation to good use to build a 20-0 interval lead.

Middlesex were worthy winners, but a try count of 6-1 didn't really reflect the efforts of skipper Matt Stone and his colleagues.

Two of those scores came in the last five minutes and Sussex coach Richard Jenkins was quick to praise his side.

He said: "Middlesex were huge and they came down here expecting to rack up 90 points.

"But it was a terrific gutsy performance by our lads. I thought we did extremely well."

Jenkins expects at least three of his players to be recommended for London Division honours after impressing selector Tony James.

Full back Stuart Charnley should have put Sussex ahead after five minutes but missed a straightforward penalty attempt.

After that it was case of hanging on grimly on a wet, windswept afternoon at the top end of Oaklands Park.

There was some superb defence to appreciate, notably when the back row kept out forceful London Irish No.8 Declan Dannahar at a five metre scrum and when Tom Leaney somehow ripped the ball free just as Middlesex looked set to power over from a driving lineout.

But Chris Massey, David Box and Dannahar all got through after pack pressure, with a conversion and penalty from London Welsh outside half Richard Mahoney making it a round 20 points by the break.

Sussex were more of a threat after the interval and, although their handling let them down at key times, persistent infringement by Middlesex under their own posts eventually forced a penalty try, which Charnley converted.

The same player popped up on the left wing at the end of the day's most free-flowing running move, which was started by hooker Huw Jenkins deep in his own half and swept to within yards of the Middlesex line.

But Sussex were kept out and, as their energy sapping efforts began to tell, Middlesex plundered three second half tries.

Forwards Ronny Bashour and Henry Head scored from close quarters, then the most attractive spell of play from the visitors saw the backs finally cut free, timing their passes to perfection to give wing Michael Dowden an easy finish as Sussex ran out of tacklers.

Sussex: Charnley (Wasps), Cruz (Worthing), Wood (East Grinstead), Castleton (Bognor), Lovell (Lewes), Stanton (Chichester), Thompson (Heathfield); Leaney (Heathfield), Jenkins (Haywards Heath), Gribble (Heathfield), Davy (Haywards Heath), Stutchbury (Heathfield), Stone (Haywards Heath), Richardson (Haywards Heath), Rawle (Haywards Heath). Reps: Finney (Brighton University), Wrinch (Haywards Heath), Ellis (Heathfield), Haslam (Hove), Winters (Haywards Heath), Tonkin (Heathfield), Izod (Haywards

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