Christmas arrived early yesterday with the glittering launch of the Evening Argus Christmas Appeal.

Celebrities, including writer and broadcaster Derek Jameson, actress Dora Bryan, Peter Ellis from The Bill, former EastEnder David Roper, boxer Chris Eubank and models Jamelah and Jordan, were at the glamorous party to lend their support.

Hundreds of elegantly dressed guests sipped champagne and enjoyed the special atmosphere of the first major event of our fund-raising diary.

They entered the Empress Suite at the Grand Hotel in Brighton under an arch of balloons to be greeted with the sight of the vast, beautifully-decorated ballroom.

More than 50 magnums of champagne were donated by Delbecks, of Ship Street, to make sure the party went with a swing. The 250 guests were all handed a souvenir programme.

Other special guests mingling with Argus readers included former EastEnders actor Paul Moriarty, Chris Ellison, from The Bill, actor Russell Floyd, who plays Michael Rose in EastEnders, Tom Cotcha, from The Bill, and Shakespearian actor Richard Franklin.

Former EastEnders actor David Roper said: "I live in Brighton and I always like to try and support local charities so the Evening Argus Christmas Appeal is the best way of doing that."

Mr Roper revealed that although we have not seen him on our screens for a while he hopes to return with a new detective series he is writing himself.

During the evening guests had the opportunity to bid for a selection of gifts donated to the appeal, including an Edwardian candelabra, a set of golf clubs and Ralph Lauren goodies.

The event was sponsored by Eurolink. Managing director Tony Antoniades said: "Christmas is a time when those of us that have done well over the years should prick our consciences and give something back and the Evening Argus Christmas Appeal is a very special way of helping people."

A team of decorators began work at 8am yesterday to ensure the ballroom was ready for the big party. Barbara Stewart, from Be Barb Balloona, designed the room.

It is hoped the £25-a-head bash will raise £10,000 to give the appeal, now in its 42nd year, a kickstart. Last year we raised more than £55,000, which was used to give a happy Christmas to disadvantaged children and the elderly across Sussex.

During the evening party-goers were entertained by 13-year-old Shardai Johnson, wearing a glittering pink dress and tiara, who sang One Moment in Time. There was also jazz and swing music provided by Vic Richards and friends giving their services free for a good cause.

Among the first to arrive were Brighton and Hove mayor Jenny Langston, Eastbourne mayor Beryl Healy, and the deputy mayor of Worthing, David Chapman, who were greeted by Evening Argus editor-in-chief Simon Bradshaw, who made a brief welcoming speech.

Mrs Langston said: "The Evening Argus Christmas Appeal is like many other things the paper does for the local community. It brings people together with a common purpose to help others."

A series of events are being organised to raise money between now and December 25. Details will appear in the paper daily.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.