THE Argus can today reveal the two questions that Brighton and Hove residents will be asked about the Albion's planned move to Falmer.

A referendum is taking place on May 6 to gauge public opinion on proposals to build the Seagulls' new stadium in the village.

The two questions will be:

1. Do you support the council's policy of wanting Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club to find a permanent home within our area?

2. Should the council (subject to due consideration of a planning application) support Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club's bid to find a permanent site at Falmer?

People will be able to vote Yes, No or Don't Know in the referendum, which will be held on the same day as the local elections.

Provided that councillors agree, voters will be handed purple referendum slips along with white ballot papers.

The cost of the referendum will be £35,000.

Town hall officials have already had numerous enquiries from people wanting to know if they are on the voting register.

Atelephone hotline has now been set up on 01273 291999 to make it easier to check if you are registered.

Some people have criticised the council for a cop-out in holding a referendum. But council leader Lord Bassam disagrees.

"I want Government inspectors, who will inevitably review our local decision, to have a clear sense of local feeling."

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.