Travel chaos is not the problem, the problem is transport.

Let's tell the truth about transport. For 20 years, this country has known about the issues facing it and a massive problem has been transport. The car, the lorry, the bus - every mechanised method with wheels you can find - they are all out of control.

The truth is, there is no solution.

All the brains of Britain, all the university professors and their computor models on curing transport problems, the Department of Transport's own solutions and Members of Parliament and their views have done absolutely nothing to

aleviate the transport problems of this country.

Park-and-ride will do nothing at all to affect the volume of traffic encountered by the city over the weekend. It just would not cope because the traffic flow was more than a thousand times the capacity of park-and-ride.

The honest truth is there is no solution. If there was, why has it not been cured after 20 years?

-Jim Evans, Brighton