I am sure I am one of a substantial majority of the citizens of Brighton and Hove who are amazed our "leaders" on the city council are giving the go-ahead to the Gehry King Alfred proposals.

This is primarily supposed to be a sports and leisure facility and to now hear it will include a sub-standard swimming pool and exclude the indoor bowls amazes me.

Several years ago, the council consulted London surveyors on how to finance the facility and the advice was to create saleable housing to fund the development.

This is now completely out of hand. A massive development of 750 units in the horrific form shown and a substantial cutback on the sports and leisure element is, in my opinion, unacceptable.

After all this time, how can the council give the go-ahead when there are problems with the scheme to be ironed out before the development is built?

While the stupidity of the "two tin cans" still amazes me, what on earth are the numerous children's coloured building blocks around the perimeter going to look like?

Finally, I believe the developers are extremely brave and I trust our council is satisfied as to the financial viability of this proposed development because, if it fails, who will pick up the pieces?

-Colin Beard, Hove