In its corporate brochure, Southern Water says it respects the local environment and yet it wishes to dump raw sewage on Brighton's most popular beach.

Southern Water says it will only be two per cent of raw sewage which will come from the overflow but, at 20,000 litres per second, that is 1.5 million litres in an hour, or, to picture it proportionately, 1.5 litres of raw sewage in an average bath.

Southern Water also says it will only use the overflow occasionally but the Albion overflow - in front of the Albion hotel, west of Brighton Pier - has been used twice in six years.

With global warming and climate change, we have to plan ahead much more carefully in future, especially when people's health is being put at risk.

Southern Water must be made to take their sewage out to sea, just as their French owners have to do in France.

David Mount

-Lewes Crescent, Brighton