Ian Chisnall (Letters, May 30) asks whether I am suggesting that £21,384 would not support a councillor who already has a full-time job.

I am definetly not suggesting that. I don't know any councillor receiving a higher level of their "special responsibility allowance" who does work full-time - there simply isn't the time.

At best, a councillor can squeeze in a part-time job, as I do, if they undertake a lot of council work in the early mornings, evenings and weekends.

Some councillors, who receive the basic allowance of £10,000, do work full-time but it isn't easy for them.

Councillors are not especially hard done by - many local residents have lower incomes - but it would be a mistake to cut allowances because it would restrict the electorate's choice on polling day.

-Simon Burgess , Finance Councillor, Brighton and Hove City Councillor