Your article about increasing attacks on NCP parking wardens (or "money wardens" as they are known locally) reflects the anger motorists feel about a stealth tax which primarily benefits a private parking company.

Traffic wardens used to penalise inconsiderate motorists who stopped the flow of traffic and who usually held their hands up and said "yes, this is fair".

Now, "money wardens" creep around profiting from residents parking in the streets we fund with our taxes. In the UK, only £80 million goes back to local councils.

But motorists are organising and the backlash will take many forms, with councils becoming the enemy of ordinary car drivers.

This backlash will be helped by lack of respect for the police, who efficiently collect motoring fines but leave the public with inefficient frontline protection.

The only time they are efficient is when an ordinary person lashes out. The story of the half-blind man imprisoned for waving a plastic gun after he was terrorised baseball-toting thugs, who went unpunished, was widely reported.

-Antony Blakey, Brighton