Two hundred people from two blocks of flats have signed a petition against the reorganisation of a warden service.

Brighton and Hove City Council is reviewing the team which maintains council estates and properties across the city.

The wardens, who live in the communities where they work and carry out cleaning duties and repairs, could be restructured so they work across the city rather than focusing on their own areas.

The petition objecting to the reorganisation, which could be rolled out in June, was handed to the council's chief executive, Alan McCarthy.

Hazel West, 57, who lives in a flat in Lavender Street, Brighton, took the petition to the council offices on Wednesday with a letter.

She said: "Everyone was eager to sign. If there isn't anyone on site then they will have to make phone calls and the wardens might not turn up."

One warden, who did not want to be named, said: "If you live five miles away from the area you are working, how can you be a good neighbour?"

The GMB and Unison unions are representing staff in the service who are disgruntled with the changes.

A council spokeswoman said the changes would make the service more equitable as some council flats did not have a caretaking service.