All year the music industry has been searching for someone to crown as this year's Franz Ferdinand.

It's a funny concept, this desire to find similarities between bands who are often so wildly different musically and stylistically as to be a different species.

It's not as if palaeontologists hack out a never-before-seen fossil from some dusty cliffside and declare it's this year's Bergeroniellus asiaticus.

That said, if guitar band Top Trumps ever appeared in the playground, the match-up between Franz and Kaiser Chiefs would be close enough to have kids settling the bout by strangling each other with their Lance Armstrong wristbands.

Both bands divebombed into the charts with gloriously over-the-top singles, keeping up the momentum with strong debut albums and have now played sell-out gigs at Concorde 2, perhaps the last time fans will ever see them that up close and sweaty again.

But while Franz are all sharp suits and one-dimensional, angular guitar riffs, the Chiefs project a more varied, rounder sound, with hints of surfing harmonies and a splurge of heavy metal.

The Leeds quintet have more fun as well, and certainly put on a better show.

Lead singer Ricky Wilson threw himself into the crowd during the, er, riotous I Predict A Riot and wonderfully barmy Oh My God. The fact he struggled to get back on stage and missed each song's crescendo only added to the mayhem.

It wasn't until Franz played the summer festivals that they really caught the public's eye expect the Chiefs, once again, to be similar.