The sister of Guantanamo Bay detainee Omar Deghayes plans to speak at a civil rights meeting.

Either Amani Deghayes or Omar's lawyer Clive Stafford Smith are hoping to turn up to the event, described as a public evening of information sharing, debate, networking and building alliances.

The meeting is called Are We Losing The Right to Protest?

It is to feature speeches on civil liberties issues such as the Terrorism Bill and ID cards.

Amani would speak about Omar's experiences since being arrested in Pakistan in 2002.

He has not been charged with any crime and his lawyer claims he has been tortured by American soldiers, leaving him blind in one eye.

The British Government had previously claimed it could not help Mr Deghayes because he was a British resident rather than a British national.

However, since campaigners began highlighting his case, the Government has bowed to public pressure and agreed to present the family's concerns to US officials.

Political comedian Mark Thomas also plans to attend the meeting to discuss his research into the Government's use of new Control Orders.

These were developed to deal with terrorist suspects being held without trial in British jails.

Mr Thomas hopes to speak about the legality of the control orders, which effectively place suspects under house arrest after their release from prison.

Dr Caroline Lucas, the Green Party's South-East MEP, and Green candidate for Brighton Pavilion Councillor Keith Taylor, will also appear at the meeting.

After the main speeches, there will be a question-and-answer session.

The meeting will take place on Thursday at 7:30pm in the Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton.

There will be a collection at the meeting to cover the cost of the room hire. There is no advance booking.

Call the Brighton and Hove Green Party on 01273 766670 for more information.