As a survivor of the dreaded bug, I would like to express my admiration and thanks to the hospitals and ancillary staff, friends, neighbours and relatives who played such an important role in my recovery.

Last August, I slipped on a wet and slimy slope in Queen's Park, Brighton, breaking the tibia in my right leg.

A wonderful lady (whom I have not seen again) rushed to my aid and cradled me in her lap while a gentleman rang for the paramedics on his mobile. Fortunately I have seen him since to thank him personally.

The paramedics arrived swiftly and I was taken to the Royal Sussex County Hospital, where I was operated on the same night, having a pin put in my leg.

After about a week, I was transferred to the Margaret Dunscombe Ward at the Plastic Surgery Unit at East Grinstead for a skin graft to secure the pin.

It was there discovered I had contracted MRSA and the care and attention I received was brilliant.

After I was discharged, I convalesced at home, where my husband and neighbours had converted a bed-sit for me downstairs and I was in the marvellous care of the district nursing team - thank you girls.

Others who greatly helped my recovery were the occupational health department, who fitted me up with handrails and other necessary furniture, physiotherapists and last, but not least, the super ambulance crews.

Words are not enough to convey my eternal gratitude to all concerned and I just hope the experience of meeting all these truly admirable people has made me a better human being, both physically and psychologically.

-Valerie Griffiths-Vahey, Brighton