Rye and Iden United boss Glyn White has launched a bitter attack on Sussex soccer bosses and says he will give County League officials the V sign at next month's cup final.

White is angry at his side's fixture list and the allocation of officials to United's home games. He also launched an attack on the Sussex FA at their "unbelievable" disciplinary system.

White let rip after Rye's Easter Monday fixture was changed. Instead of a home game against local rivals Sidley they now face a two-hour round trip to East Grinstead for an 11am kick-off.

White was already furious that United were forced to travel almost 400 miles in 12 days for successive away games against Whitehawk, Littlehampton and Chichester last month.

He believes Rye are being victimised and insists he will make his feelings clear at the John O'Hara Cup final against Whitehawk on Good Friday.

He said: "If we win the cup I will not shake the hand of any official. I will give them the V sign and tell them where to go instead.

"To change our Bank Holiday game to East Grinstead is a disgrace and has obviously been done on purpose.

"We have had loads of problems this season. We paid out expenses of almost £120 last week because the officials for our game came from Littlehampton.

"Someone is saying 'we will show them'. That is fine but they shouldn't expect us to like it and I know a lot of people are fed up with the way things are run.

"The suspensions and fines players get are unbelievable. Why are players handed 70-day bans and fined fortunes for a sending off in the County League when you only get three games for a headbutt in the Premiership?

"The whole set-up is a joke. There needs to be a big shake-up and they should get some people in who know what they are doing."

White has become so disillusioned he says he would welcome a move back to the Kent League.

United spent 17 years playing over the border from 1983 and there is speculation that the club are considering a return.

Secretary Jed Say has dismissed the idea as "very unlikely" but White is all for it.

He added: "I don't know if there is anything in it but I would welcome a move. I would have loved to have won the title and then put two fingers in the air and gone to the Kent League.

"They seem to think Sussex ends at Eastbourne because the Hastings clubs always get a raw deal.

"If we finish second I will tell them to stick their medals. The players didn't even collect last year's because they were so annoyed at how they were treated."