As a frequent user of Shoreham Airport, I found Tony Gunn's letter (February 4) was a refreshing dose of common sense.

In any changes to the airport, all interested parties should be acknowledged.

It's the small aircraft users from across the UK and Europe who have kept money flowing into Shoreham via the flying clubs, high landing fees and fuel charges. Unlike airlines, we also pay fuel tax and VAT.

Every time you take a commercial flight, you should remember you are being taken on holiday by people who learnt to fly in the little planes at airports such as Shoreham.

Without the little planes there will be nobody to fly the big planes and no holiday in Spain.

What's needed now is intelligent debate, not Jan Goodey hijacking the issue. Aviation isn't for the rich, it's for all. You just need to look at Easyjet.

And no, I don't live near the airport. I'd love to if it wasn't for the 24-hour noise and fumes from the A27, A259 and the railway.

The maximum 12 hours a day of periodic aircraft activity would be fine for me.

-Andrew Garrood, Henfield