A TEENAGER confessed to an arson attack on a school after his mother told him to own up, a court heard.

The 15-year-old was one of three teenagers who caused £500,000 damage to a sports hall at Bishop Luffa School in Chichester.

The boy had been playing with a lighter after two of the three boys broke into the school, a court heard.

But things took a turn for the worse when a stack of paper burst into flames.

Chichester Youth Court yesterday heard how the boy, who lives near Chichester, tried to put the blaze out with extinguishers but his accomplices had emptied them as they rampaged through the school.

The court heard the boy's involvement in the crime was discovered by his mother.

She had noticed he became quiet and pressured him to find out what was the matter.

He then admitted the crime.

Andrew Newman, prosecuting, told the court two of the three had broken into the school on November 12 last year.

The next day all three bought plastic gloves to hide their fingerprints for another raid.

But their plans deteriorated into serious criminal damage.

Mr Newman read a statement the boy had given to police.

The statement said: "I was a bit bored and my friend had a lighter. I was lighting bits of paper and this massive spark came off and some paper went up in smoke."

Steve Collett, defending, said the boy's confession was crucial to the conviction of all three.

He said: "One of the boys was arrested but there was not much of a case. He exercised his right to silence and was released on police bail. Meanwhile, my client told his mum."

She called the father of one of the raiders, explained her son was going to confess and advised him to take his own son to the Chichester Police Station.

The boy was given a 12-month referral order for committing burglary, criminal damage and arson. This means he will be monitored closely by West Sussex' Youth Offending Team.

He was also ordered to pay £200 compensation.

At an earlier hearing last December, a 14-year-old boy from Chichester was given a ten-month referral order for burglary and criminal damage.

Another 14-year-old from Chichester was given a five-moth referral order and was told to pay £100 compensation for the same charges.