(Cert 18, 85mins): Starring Franka Potente, Vas Blackwood and Ken Campbell. Directed by Christopher Smith.

The London Underground: Home to wackos, weirdos and some really bad buskers.

Is it any wonder that a sadistic murderer would choose to make his home in the labrynthine darkness of the capital's wholly unreliable public transport system?

Filmed partly at the abandoned Strand station on the Piccadilly Line, director Christopher Smith chucks blood, gore and numerous screenplays from far better horror movies at this bitter-tasting fright fest.

Run Lola Run's Franka Potente slips on her pumps yet again as the damsel in distress who hops on board a late-night Tube after an evening on the sauce, only to find the train suddenly stopping in an empty station.

Haunted by someone or something lurking in the shadows, our plucky heroine races down the track, only to find every exit locked shut and no one around to help her.

Starting off as a decent little chiller, Creep soon descends into unintentional farce as buckets of fake blood and shocks telegraphed so far in advance the titular psycho may as well have sent a telegram serve to take the edge off what could have been a down-and-dirty Brit horror.