As a bird-watcher I am accustomed to waiting for hours to see rare species and, accordingly, have been keeping a close eye on Dyke Road and Dyke Road Avenue for the two cyclists Mr Malcolm Blunt (The Argus, December 2) claims to have briefly seen out of the corner of his eye in Dyke Road.

So far my observations have drawn a complete blank but I will not be giving up yet as the present weather is ideal for cycling, the two roads are a fairly gentle slope and 20 per cent of their width is permanently reserved for the exclusive use of Mr Blunt's phantom cyclists, should one or the other ever decide to re-appear.

Even in the long periods of non use it is important that cars and service vehicles should not block the cycle lanes as thousands of greens and environmentalists are clamouring for all of us to get on bikes, but noticeably are not doing much pedalling themselves.

-Peter Clarkson, Brighton