Marina Pepper, Mayor of Telscombe, says the council had not planned a discussion on the Tye (Letters, November 29) and says the main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the precept (the town's spending of its share of the council tax).

Why, then, does Section 5 of Telscombe Town Council Meeting Agenda, November 11, 2004, state "Telscombe Tye - to report on site meeting in response to questions raised by residents."?

Ms Pepper also says information on a poster urges residents to express their anger over several provocative issues and indicates people are no longer allowed to walk their dogs on the Tye. I have a copy of the poster and it clearly states the meeting is an opportunity "for residents to address several issues that need answers".

This poster lists questions residents have been asking, including "proposed exclusions of kite flyers, horse riders, dog walkers, cycle riders, family use." It does not state they have been banned.

However, cyclists and horse riders have been approached by rangers and council officials while on the Tye recently and told their rights have changed.

Clarification of the council's intent for the Tye is desperately needed and should be made available for all interested residents to discuss openly. It is how a democratically-elected council should behave.

Perhaps the council should arrange a meeting to discuss all options with locals. They can then plan a sufficiently large room and enough time to answer these important questions.

The residents' meeting on November 30 in Telscombe Village was orderly and positive and attended by two council officials so, hopefully, the Tye debate is moving in the right direction.

-Ms J Jones, Saltdean