Company statements aimed at motivating their staff are having the opposite effect because they are so "cringe-worthy", a new report claimed today.

Chirpy messages such as "Aim for the moon, and if you don't get there, at least you'll be one of the stars", actually turn workers off.

A survey of 1,000 employees by recruitment firm Office Angels found that two out of three found motivational statements patronising.

Employers should ditch slogans and find other ways of motivating their staff - like paying them a bonus, the report suggested.

"Taking action to motivate your employees and keep them motivated is one of the most difficult tasks faced by employers," said Paul Jacobs, managing director of Office Angels.

"Motivational statements are proven to have a positive impact but employers need to ensure they are regularly updated otherwise they do become tired and clichd."

The top 10 worst "motivational" statements currently adorning workplaces across the UK were:

- J.U.I.C.E: Join Us In Creating Enthusiasm!

- Blame ends in me.

- I can't spell success without you.

- Success by the inch is a cinch - but by the yard, is hard.

- Aim for the moon, and if you don't get there, at least you'll be one of the stars.

- There's no 'i' in team!

- If you knew you would never fail, think what you could achieve.

- I praise loudly and blame softly.

- Management means helping people get the best out of themselves, not organising things.

- What the mind of man can conceive and believe - it can achieve.