The US military are crowing over having "liberated" Fallujah in the past few days. If liberation means obliteration then clearly they have succeeded - the city has been flattened through massive aerial bombardment and a sustained ground assault.

We can only guess at the number of casualties, whether resistance fighters or civilians, but it probably goes into the thousands. Typically, the generals will not allow independent journalists to investigate and, criminally, they will not allow the Iraqi Red Crescent to deliver aid to survivors. They call this liberation?

But even the generals could not prevent the filming of the "execution" of an unarmed and injured Iraqi (we do not even know if he was civilian or combatant) by an American marine. We could hear from the footage that the marine shouted abuse at the man before killing him.

To me, the attitude of some of those soldiers best expresses the whole attitude of the US military and the politicians who give them the green light to bomb, torture and kill - that Iraqi lives are worthless. That is why the insurgency in Iraq will continue - it is only human to resist.

Bush, Blair and their military acolytes are murdering Iraq and it is all based on the WMD lie. We must continue to protest against this bloody occupation and demand that troops are withdrawn immediately.

Brighton and Hove Respect,

-Second Avenue, Hove