It may a funny, knobbly, gnarled thing but ginger will give you zing when those colds, sores, shivers, aches and pains settle in.

The spice, which is traditionally used in India and the East, is thought to have been in use for at least 5,000 years to help beat colds, aid digestion and to boost the female reproductive system.

Ginger first arrived in Britain in the 10th Century and was used as a cure for the plague. People were so amazed by its powers, they thought it had come from the Garden of Eden. In modern times, NASA astronauts took ginger into space to help ease travel sickness.

Root ginger is an underground stem which comes from a plant called zingiber officinale and the green leaves can be eaten in salads.

Here are some of the many ways ginger can boost your health:

Colds and flu.

Ginger in hot water, maybe with a little honey and lemon or even garlic, is a warming and soothing remedy for colds. It acts as an expectorant, loosening catarrh and phlegm and raises the body's temperature to fight infection.

Cold sores and chillblains.

Eat one or two slices of ginger a day, maybe grated into food or apply fresh ginger to unopened cold sores or chillblains.

Nausea, vomiting, stomach upsets and morning sickness.

Pregnant women can make ginger tea using half a teaspoon of grated ginger per cup of water and infusing for at least five minutes. Sip small amounts throughout the day and no more than three cups a day. Take advice before using ginger supplements. For nausea and travel sickness, drink up to five cups of ginger tea a day or chew crystallised ginger or ginger biscuits.

Digestive problems.

Ginger can help diarrhoea and has been used to treat peptic ulcers. Try juicing a large piece of fresh ginger and keep it in a bottle in the fridge. Take one teaspoon with one teaspoon of honey after breakfast. Used with senna it makes a strong laxative. Studies have found it helps in cases of food poisoning.


Ginger may protect the stomach from alcohol. Drink ginger tea and lemon before bed and throughout the next day.


Research has discovered it may help keep cholesterol levels under control and help towards a healthy heart. It has been shown to help lower blood pressure and reduce clotting.