Not many animals fall 150ft down cliffs and live to tell the tale. But then again, Mossie and Jack would appear to be no normal dogs.

The black labrador and Lakeland terrier went missing from their home at Bullock Down Farm, Eastbourne, on Friday morning.

They took off on a downland adventure at Beachy Head, near Eastbourne, but suddenly disappeared over the edge at Gun Gardens, perhaps to chase a fox or rat.

After what must have been a cold and hungry night, they were spotted by coastguards on a routine patrol of the chalk on Saturday morning.

Five-year-old Mossie and two-year-old Jack were retrieved from a rock ledge and lowered to the base of the 535ft-high cliffs by a three-strong coastguard team.

Whether they fell or climbed down remains a mystery but lifeboatmen said they might not have survived another night in the bitterly cold weather.

Eastbourne RNLI coxswain Mark Sawyer said: "After the dogs could not be located, the Eastbourne Coastguard team agreed to search from Holywell near St Bede's School.

"One party took a look for them along the top while another party were at the base of the cliffs on the beach.

"They worked right round to Gun Gardens where the dogs were spotted on a ledge. It's not known whether they climbed down or jumped from the top.

"However, once they got down there they certainly couldn't get themselves out of their own accord. They must have slept on the beach which would have been a cold experience.

"But luckily the Eastbourne Coastguard team did extremely well to find them. Had they not been found within 24 hours then the circumstances might have been more tragic.

"As it was, they were found and brought down to safety with the help of the inshore lifeboat and taken round to their owners.

"The dogs were cold and hungry and rather quiet but safe."

A lifeboat spokesman said: "Both dogs appeared to be fit and well if not a bit hungry. Why they went over the cliffs we don't know.

"Perhaps they were out chasing something. They seemed extremely relieved to back in the arms of their grateful owners.

"Dogs often go over Beachy Head because it's such a wide open space."

It is the second time in seven days dogs have found themselves trapped in unusual places in East Sussex.

Jack Russell terrier Cindy was rescued from an 8in-deep concrete pipe in Faygate Close, Sidley, Bexhill - but not before he had bitten firefighters trying to free him.