During the afternoon of Wednesday, September 15, I was approached by a very personable young man outside the Guildbourne Centre in Worthing. He started by complimenting me on my hairstyle, then asked if I ever visited London.

As it happened, I was going to London the next day. When I told him, he produced a glossy brochure picturing a Mayfair Salon and said I could go with a friend and pay only £50 for the two of us to have a haircut, manicure or facial.

We would also have dinner with him in the evening. He told me it would normally cost a lot more - I can't remember exactly how much but more than £200.

I was surprised when he showed me a plastic folder which contained names and addresses of people who had accepted the offer, money they had paid and even credit card details.

Each brochure was numbered and there was a telephone number one should ring to make the appointment. The part of the brochure to fill in your name and address he kept with the money he had received.

I was suspicious and amazed that people would give their credit card details so readily to a stranger.

What I would like to know is was this genuine? If so, I would be glad to know if anyone who paid and accepted the offer got what they

paid for.

There was also a girl working with the young man and they both wore similar T-shirts - grey I think.

-Brenda Street, Worthing