Like Bob Greene (Letters, September 20), I feel Fathers 4 Justice have acted irresponsibly in their recent actions.

There was a time I considered joining the movement as, in principle, I agree with that they are trying to achieve. But I think they are portraying fathers in a bad light.

As a single father myself, I (like many others) have had to deal with the expense and frustration of the family courts.

The English legal system fails fathers on a regular basis, assuming that we all fit a stereotypical profile of adulterers, wife-beaters and drinkers.

There are a great number of fathers out there who are responsible, upstanding citizens, who love their children dearly.

Although I do not wish to become an Emily Pankhurst, has it really had to come to the stage when spectacular demonstrations are the only way to become noticed?

In this age of equality, will we actually be treated as equal, not just a sperm donor and provider for our children?

When will be be able to take a full and active part in our children's upbringing so they may benefit from the nurturing and guidance of two supportive parents?

-Mike Ford, Hangleton