I write as a regular user of Lewes Road, Brighton. Major roadworks have occurred over the past three to four months, the result of which appears to be as follows:

Exits from side streets have had extended pavement areas added that project into the main road. Some roads have been made one-way, with no facility for turning southwards.

The result of these works, which must have cost council tax payers a small fortune, is that the main road now has major obstructions, the cycle lanes disappear where the projected side roads come out and the area to be used for traffic passing either way along Lewes Road has been significantly narrowed from what was effectively two lanes to one each way.

The narrowing of the entrances to the side streets makes turning both into and off Lewes Road very difficult and the loading bay areas have been so arranged to effectively obscure sight of the Lewes Road when entering it from side streets.

The effect on cyclists using the cycle lanes can only be described as hazardous. They will either have to use the pavement where the projections are or, alternatively, swerve into the road, risking an accident.

In The Argus of Saturday, July 3, concern was expressed over unacceptable pollution. It is little wonder that these levels are high in Lewes Road as well as in other areas of the town. The city council is clearly doing everything possible to make the flow of traffic most difficult.

It has slowed the easy flow of traffic along Lewes Road to an unacceptable level and reduced the south stream of traffic from Elm Grove to Lewes Road to one lane, causing significant queues almost all day.

Is it surprising the end result is an increase in pollution?

The council is determined to stop people using cars and will use any method possible to make it more difficult for such use then, after causing congestion, claim that pollution by cars is a problem. The problem is that Brighton and Hove City Council has a policy against use of the motor car and, instead of making a free flow for vehicles on main arterial roads, it deliberately takes action to ensure congestion and problems.

The alterations to Lewes Road are a disgrace and should be reversed as soon as possible.

-Mike Stimpson, Brighton