Park and ride is now back on the agenda of Brighton and Hove City Council but instead of linking it with a properly-funded and researched rapid transport system to serve the city limits and universities, the council again goes for the limited option of buses and bus lanes, the cheap option that helps no one. Talk about lack of vision.

Braypool is again being considered as one of the park and ride sites. If Braypool is selected then sporting fields lost must be replaced. The site for this is obvious. Toad Hall, Hove, should be made a fully supported and funded recreation ground as a Braypool replacement.

The land could be bought by the council with the vision councillors showed in the Twenties when they bought up large parts of the South Downs for the benefit of the city.

Most residents would pay a one-off charge on their community taxes for this purpose.

James Greed

-Wheatfield Way, Brighton