Shops that were selling cigarettes to under-age children are now sticking to the law.

More than 75 per cent of premises in Hollingdean, Brighton, failed the test last year when Brighton and Hove trading standards sent in a boy of 14 to buy.

But the latest test, using a girl of 13, produced a 100 per cent success rate - not one shop or off-licence would sell to her.

The test buys were carried out in Hollingdean following complaints from residents and local community groups.

Trading standards manager John Peerless said: "The latest results are great news.

"Last year only a small number of retailers asked for ID from the young person who was assisting the officers.

"This year every premise asked for ID and refused the sale when none was produced.

"We have introduced a responsible retailer scheme over the last year with the message to minors: If You're Too Young To Buy - Don't Ask!

"Similarly, the message to the retail trade has been 'No ID, No sale'.

"It would appear this is now being taken on board.

"We want to do all we can to ensure alcohol, cigarettes and solvents are not sold to young people.

Mr Peerless said trading standards would continue to conduct surveys into the sales of age-restricted products.

Wednesday June 09, 2004