Felicity Tanous, from Brighton, says: "Is it not time to curb glamorization of a potentially lethal weapon? If people wish to get a car, they will do so without advertising.

"Alternatively, emphasising the benefits of travelling by public transport, cycling and walking might improve our well-being and save lives."

Meanwhile, Mr L Terry, from Portslade, points out that those same reports last week of the sentencing of car driver Graham Travers for killing two nurses and maiming another stated Mile Oak and Shelldale Road were in Hove when they are in Portslade.

Mr Terry, who was born in Portslade, adds: "It has long been the Cinderella of Brighton and Hove but it retains its identity." Thank you to both readers.

Marjorie Seldon, from Sevenoaks in Kent, says we were quite correct to say on Wednesday last week that her son Anthony - the headmaster of Brighton College - has Russian ancestry.

However, it was not his father who had emigrated from Russia, as we said, but his grandparents. His father, a distinguished economist, was born in England in 1916.

Mrs Seldon adds: "On the maternal side, Anthony has a claim to be truly a son of Brighton for his great, great grandfather, William Willett, built many houses in Hove in the 19th Century."

Many thanks for the clarification, Mrs Seldon.

Apologies to Lis Telcs, from Brighton, after we inserted into her letter last Friday that David Gold is the Conservative candidate for Brighton Pavilion.

He did stand in the constituency at the last election but this time around it will be Mike Weatherley. Sorry too, therefore, to the two gentlemen.

Christopher Gull, from Brighton, says Barrie Jerram's review of the New Venture Theatre's production of Anthony And Cleopatra on Saturday said an actor who stood out was Gary Ward as Enobarbus. In fact it was Gary Blair.

The programme had mistakenly listed the wrong man and this was perpetuated in the review.

Mrs D Reeves, from Southwick, says we said in our page 2 index last Saturday that the radio listings were on page 19 when in fact they were on page 22.

In our feature on what to do on rainy days on Wednesday last week, in which we suggested getting a spray-on tan, we pictured Julie Coates from the Lanes Health and Beauty Clinic in Market Street, Brighton, but forgot to mention the clinic. You can call the clinic to book a tan on (01273) 725572.

And finally, to the amazingly observant Bert Hobden, from Brighton, who says he decides which films to watch on TV by reading The Argus programme listings and star ratings.

"However," he says, "in the case of The Odd Couple (March 18, BBC 2, 1.15pm) I found only confusion and inconsistency.

"In the programmes for the week ahead published on the previous Saturday, the film was awarded two stars (average) but on the day itself The Argus listings awarded it three stars (good) and the film guide panel four stars (very good). A very odd couple indeed!

"What's the next film due for multi-grading - A Star Is Born?"

My thanks to Mr Hobden who is kind enough to add: "Despite the hiccups, I must congratulate you on the revitalised Argus."