Regarding Bentley Wildfowl and its possible closure (The Argus, January 29), I know the National Swan Sanctuary, based at Egham in Surrey, is currently looking for a new home to include a visitor centre and tourist attraction.

East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service (WRAS) works closely with the sanctuary and many of the injured swans and specialist water fowl that are dealt with in the South-East are taken to its specialist facilities at Egham.

The Bentley Wildfowl site would be an ideal location for the swan sanctuary and they have the experience to take on such a site and improve it.

Dot Beesom, founder of the swan sanctuary, was awarded the British Empire Medal a few years ago in recognition of her work in rescuing sick and injured swans. She was also awarded the Pride of Britain Award for work in conservation of wildlife.

The sanctuary has a good working relationship with Her Majesty's Swan Marker and is licensed by the Lord Chamberlain's Office to rescue and treat swans. The swan sanctuary should be given a chance to take on Bentley Wildfowl and expand and improve the centre.

East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service is just one of many organisations across the county who would be delighted to see the swan sanctuary move to East Sussex.

It would improve and expand the site, not only as a tourist attraction but also as an educational facility for schools and colleges.

-Trevor Weeks, county rescue co-ordinator, East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service