I was delighted to read your article on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME (The Argus, December 11) which is an illness affecting an estimated 5,000 adults and children in Sussex.

CFS/ME can follow a viral infection or trauma and can render some patients virtually housebound for years.

People with the illness will be pleased to know a steering group involving all the Primary Care Trusts in Sussex has recently applied for a share of £8.5m that has been put aside by the Department of Health to fund local CFS/ME services in the UK.

The plan is for a specialist team based in Sussex. If the funding bid is successful, the local service would also be linked to a London teaching hospital.

In the meantime, our charity continues to inform and support patients and can be reached on 01273 778890 or at www.measussex.org.uk

-Colin Barton, chairman of trustees, Sussex ME/CFS Society, Hove