Trevor Pateman's assertion that Brighton and Hove City Council is encouraging drivers to park illegally to generate income is nonsense (Letters, November 14).

Before the council took responsibility for parking enforcement more than two years ago, illegal parking was a huge problem.

Vehicles parking on yellow lines, at junctions and in bus stops were a major cause of traffic congestion and caused chaos for buses and emergency vehicles.

Since the council took control of parking, congestion has been greatly reduced. It has increased traffic flow, assisted public transport and improved safety.

Firm but fair parking enforcement has helped curb the behaviour of the minority of selfish drivers causing misery for others.

When introducing new parking schemes the council must demonstrate that they would be self-financing.

That is why charges have to be made for on-street parking through permits and Pay & Display. Any surplus income is spent on transport facilities throughout the city.

As part of the controlled parking schemes, we are carrying out reviews to determine the real effect of the measures and identify where further improvements can be made.

Working with residents and businesses, we aim to improve the flexibility of the parking schemes for the benefit of everyone.

-Councillor Gill Mitchell chairwoman, Brighton and Hove environment committee